Need help choosing the best tariff ?

Electricity prices are rising and customers are often feeling confused about what to do. Network costs typically account for around half of total energy bills. An increasing number of customers are asking for help to save money by selecting the best network tariff. We designed and deployed a new network tariff optimisation engine to assess all the options and determine the optimal tariff for each specific business.


Network costs (tariffs) typically account for around 50% of your total energy costs, potentially more for larger users. There are usually a number of network tariff options available which combine a number of elements (fixed charges, volume charges, max demand charges).
Customers, retailers and energy consultants needed a reliable, systematic approach to choosing the best tariff option for each particular site based on their individual usage patterns.


Metropolis designed and built a dedicated optimisation engine that incorporates all the various network tariff options and their eligibility criteria.
The NTO engine then uses actual data for each site over the last 12 months to calculate the cost of each network tariff and then selects the optimal tariff for you.


Metropolis delivered significant savings to major customers such as Optus where we saved them $850k across 1,000 small sites. We also identified more than $500k of savings for another telecommunication business and enough savings for St Vincent De Paul Society to pay for their smart meter rollout.
Overall all our customers, we found that approximately 50% of customers are not on the best network tariff and the average overcharges were $3,320 for large sites, $1,080 for small business sites and $160 for residential sites.